Rodokmen Laguna Dios Dreams-Come-True


 Solidifies Coconut Chunck 
 of NO 42959/13 
 Bed and: the COI 26.4.2013: 6.4%

 Dalnews Ekkora Eddy 
 NO 59567/09 
 B: 03/11/2009 COI: 10.3% HS: HD-A
 Perdita's Right on Time The 
 of N 03593/07
 Perdita's Countstrike
 Perdita's Dotty Design
 Bajnok Bindi Dalnews 
 N 04330/07
 Dalmo's Wooper
 Dalmo's Evita
 Solbo's Holly 
 S 31498/2006 
 B: 30/03/2006 COI: G14-20 HS: HD-A
 Bell-A-Mir's Elegant Envoy 
 S 62691/04
 Spotnik's Viking Victory
 Bell-a-Mir's Classy Cleopatra
 Yamazita's Solbo 
 the S 31875/99
 Labyrinth the Perfect the Harmony
 Solbo's Nikita


 Flight with In the Fab Time The Faberge 
 the BCU 153-001411 
 Bed and: 3/5/2014 the COI: 6.1%

 Spotnik's First Farao For Ormond 
 of NO 037316/09 
 Bed and: 03/02/2009 the COI: G13-19

 Knock on Heaven Door by Raul 
 the CLP / DA / 6286/08

 Bad Mad Serbian Surprise in by Raul
 Heart of Bad Mad in by Raul

 Solbo's Holly 
 the S 31498/2006

 Bell-A-Mir's the Elegant Envoy
 Solbo's Yamazita

 Flight in Time The Arlette Alicia is 
 the BCU 153-001293 
 Bed and: 13/05/2010 the COI: 4.2%

 Divalinor Earthquake 
 the BCU 153-001253

 Divalinor Dreamkeeper
 Timanka's the Rainbow Diva

 The Laguna Dios the Ramayana 
 the BCU 153-0001119

 Puding Dog Knjaz Terletskiy
 The Laguna Dios Donmarie Delpinta